Approximate age: 5.5 years old
Weight: 41 pounds

Dario, just like his namesake, renowned race car driver Dario Franchitti, is always ready for an adventure. While he may start off a little shy, Dario quickly warms up to people, especially when they share delicious treats with him.

Although he’s still learning the ropes of playtime, Dario is starting to show a budding interest in chasing balls, perhaps channeling his inner race car driver. It would be a thrill to introduce him to the joy of zooming around the yard, enjoying exhilarating games of fetch.

Dario’s love for treats makes him an ideal candidate for training, and he’ll surely excel at learning fun tricks with a little guidance. And just like Dario Franchitti, who is known for his precision and skill on the racetrack, our Dario is determined to master the art of walking on a leash, sitting on command and high fiving for a job well done.

If you’re searching for a four-legged companion who embodies the spirit of fun and adventure, Dario is the dog for you. Buckle up and embark on a life full of excitement and companionship with this playful pup by your side.

If you are interested in learning more about Dario, apply at the link below and an adoption counselor can reach out to you directly.

Adoption Application